2025 Head Coach
Max Kruger
Max has over a decade of involvement in competitive swimming, including as a former Piranhas swimmer and coach and Cochrane Masters Coach.
Max holds the Fundamentals Coaching (Level 1) certification and is actively pursuing the Age Group Coaching (Level 2) certification. Having served as a coach with the Piranhas for the past four summer seasons, Max has been working with swimmers of various ages and skill levels. During his time as a Piranhas assistant coach, Max was part of a strong coaching team that designed and implemented effective practice plans which helped the club win the Provincial Medium Team Banner in 2 of those 3 years.
Max's coaching philosophy focuses on fostering a positive, inclusive environment where swimmers can grow both in skill and confidence. His coaching experience is further enriched by his current studies in Education, where he is developing teaching strategies directly applicable to coaching, particularly in communication, classroom management, and mentorship.
2025 Assistant Coaches
Jill Lavis
We welcome Jill as she joins for her first summer season as a member of the Piranhas coaching staff. Jill is a certified NCCP Fundamentals and Age Group Swimming Coach. She is currently in her 6th season as Swim Coach for the Cochrane Sparks Triathlon Club. Prior to the coaching Sparks, Jill coached the pre-competitive group for the Nose Creek Swim Association.
Jill started swimming competitively at the age of 4 and she competed with both summer and year round swim clubs, as well as with Masters. Swimming is her passion in life and her love of coaching grows with every season. Jill is a firm believer that teaching her swimmers the correct technique is vital and watching her swimmers improve and/or learn a new skill is most exhilarating.
Jill's coaching philosophy is centered around her ability to connect with each of her swimmers on a personal level. She takes the time to understand their individual strengths, weaknesses, and goals, and she tailors her coaching to meet their specific needs. This personalized approach not only helps her swimmers improve but also fosters a sense of trust and respect between coach and swimmer.
Board Members 2025
President | Tracy MacPherson | [email protected] |
Treasurer | Kendra Marr Lange | [email protected] |
Secretary | Kim Wiebach | [email protected] |
Registrar | Dipika Jain | [email protected] |
Coaching Director | Emile Veroni | [email protected] |
Officials Coordinator | James Lange | [email protected] |
Volunteer Coordinator, Event & Hospitality Coordinator | Chantel Josiak | [email protected] |
Fundraising Coordinator | Nicole MacGregor | [email protected] |
Media Relations | Liz MacIntyre | [email protected] |
Equipment and Apparel Coordinator | Lynette Carnegie | [email protected] |
Meet Manager | Janet Cheverie | [email protected] |
Member at Large | Jody Szkorupa |
Board Members Roles and Responsibilities
Oversees the smooth running of the club, including coaching, pool scheduling, home swim meets, and fundraising. - Sits as an ex-officio a member of all Committees.
Attends and leads board meetings . Signing authority for the club. Represents the club to outside stakeholders.
Maintain three bank accounts: the regular account, the fundraising account, and the casino account. Ensure that accounting procedures are followed. - Manage all financial transactions.
Prepare financial reports for board meetings and AGM. Prepare and steward the budget. -
Prepare reports, such as the fitness tax credit receipts and the annual return.
Take meeting minutes and Board Meetings and General Meetings. Ensure minutes/paperwork are organized.
Manages the club's member registry. Updates registration forms. -
P oint of contact for new swimmers and returning swimmers -
R egisters swimmers and coaches in ASSA database.
Annually reviews and updates coach’s contracts. Solicits, meets, and hires coaches for the season. -
Liaisons between paren ts and coaches as needed. Works with coaches to plan lane space and books lane space with the pool.
Ensuring all club officials are registered on the Officials database. -
Ensuring only active off icials are listed in the official’s database. -
Organizing officials’ clinics for team parent/volunteers. -
Ensure Officials certification form is completed and forwards to the Region Officials Chairperson.
Coordinates officials signup for swim meets. Remind all officials that they will be required to help out at out of town meets -
Ensures Volunteers are available for any Club events and maintains a record of volunteer points for each family.
Ensures each swimmer fundraising commitment is tracked. Organizes and coordinates fundraising events. -
Attends board meetings .
Media Relations:
- Point of contact with media
- Managers the club's social media
Equipment Coordinator
- Arranges competition suits
- Works to find other clothing
- Sources and acquires
Events and Hospitality Coordinator
- Plans club events, including venue and food
- Works with the Volunteer Coordinator to fill volunteer positions for events and committees
- Leads the Hospitality Committee for the club's annual swim meet
Meet Manger
- Fulfills the role of Meet Manager at home meets (and therefore must be signed off, or able to be signed off, as a Meet Manager in the ASSA officials database)
- Works with the Events and Hospitality Coordinator to arrange meet hospitality
- Works with the Volunteer Coordinator and Officials Coordinator to fill volunteer positions for home meets
- Acts as the primary point of contact for the pool for home meets